User Manual
API Reference
Image Processing Models

Image Processing Models

We provide several most popular stable diffusion models for scenarios like Texts2Images and Images2Images.

Before started

You should get some parameters before get started : SERVICE_ID, API_KEY and MODEL, you can find them on our dashbord (opens in a new tab).

API reference

Stable-Diffusion-XL & Stable-Diffusion-3.5


Request Parameters

Parameter nameTypeDescriptionRequired
modelStringModel type, default:stable-diffusion-xl-base-1.0yes
promptStringPrompt to renderYes
stepsIntNumber of diffusion steps to run. [10, 50], default:30No
heightIntImage resolution.multiple of 64 >= 128, default:512No
widthIntImage resolution.multiple of 64 >= 128, default:512No
cfg_scaleFloatHow strictly the diffusion process adheres to the prompt text .(higher values keep your image closer to your prompt) [0, 35], default: 7No
seedIntRandom noise seed. [0, 4294967295], default:0 (0 means random seed)No

Response Elements

Parameter nameTypeDescription
imagesbytesimage/png - raw bytes


Request Parameters

Parameter nameTypeDescriptionRequired
modelStringModel type, default:stable-diffusion-xl-base-1.0yes
promptStringPrompt to renderYes
imageFileImage file to initilize the diffusion process.Yes
negative_promptStringPrompt to excludeNo
stepsIntNumber of diffusion steps to run. [10, 50], default:30No
control_strengthFloatHow much influence the init_image has on the diffusion process. [0, 1], default:0.35.No
cfg_scaleFloatHow strictly the diffusion process adheres to the prompt text.(higher values keep your image closer to your prompt) [0, 35], default: 7No
seedIntRandom noise seed. [0, 4294967295], default:0 (0 means random seed)No

Response Elements

Parameter nameTypeDescription
imagebytesimage/png - raw bytes




import requests
import base64
# Define the URL and the payload to send.
url = "$SERVICE_ID/v1/images/generate"
# Set Authorization header
Headers = { "Authorization" : "Bearer {}".format("$API_KEY") }
payload = {
    "model": "$MODEL",
    "prompt": "puppy dog",
    "steps": 30,
    "height": 512,
    "width": 512,
    "cfg_scale": 10,
# Send said payload to said URL through the API.
response ='{url}', json=payload, headers=Headers, stream=True)
# Decode and save the image.
with open("output.png", 'wb') as f:
    for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=8192):


import requests
import base64
import json
# Define the URL and the payload to send.
url = "$SERVICE_ID/v1/images/control"
# Set Authorization header
Headers = { "Authorization" : "Bearer {}".format("$API_KEY") }
file_path = "input.png"
with open(file_path, 'rb') as image_file:
    payload = {
        "model": "$MODEL",
        "prompt": "Put glassed on the dog",
        "negative_prompt": "",
        "steps": 30,
        "cfg_scale": 10,
    files = {
        'image': (file_path,, 'application/octet-stream'),  # Binary file
        "model": "$MODEL",
    # Send said payload to said URL through the API.
    response ='{url}', files=files, data=payload, headers=Headers)
    # Decode and save the image.
    with open("output.png", 'wb') as f:
        for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=8192):



curl$SERVICE_ID/v1/images/generate \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $API_KEY" \
  -d '{
        "model": "$MODEL",
        "prompt": "a cat ",
        "steps": 20,
        "height": 512,
        "width": 512,
        "cfg_scale": 10
   }' \
   -o out.png


curl -X POST$SERVICE_ID/v1/images/control \
    -F "model=$MODEL" \
    -F "prompt=add an apple" \
    -F "image=@test.png" \
    -F "negative_prompt=" \
    -F "steps=30" \
    -F "cfg_scale=10" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer $API_KEY" \
    -o out.png